Meeting Date: December 2, 2017
Time Started: 10:29
The meeting was opened by: CDR Travis
Roll Call of Officers: All of the officers were present and accounted for
Officer of the Day: All members present were satisfied and allowed. Total present: 21
New Member: Floyd Jones (Vietnam Veteran). Comrade Richard motioned to accept membership, second by Comrade Leroy. Voted approved.
Minutes Review: VFW Post 738 Minutes are posted on website for review. Comrade Stuart motioned to accept minutes as published, second by Comrade Donny. Voted approved
Opening prayer: Chaplin Torgerson.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Commander Travis.
Veteran or family in distress: Comrade Barry had outpatient surgery for deviated septum. Had to stay at VA Hospital due to uncontrolled bleeding. Potentially released on 12/4/17. Comrade Rod’s lovely wife, Verna, passed away. (Remember our comrades in our thoughts and prayers)
Quartermaster’s Report: Accepted as read by Comrade Stuart.
Community Service Report: Reviewed by Comrade Smith. Hours:768; Dollars: $2,652; Members participated: 377
Chaplin Torgerson read the prayer for the National Home.
*Grant Funds Update:
- Bathrooms almost complete. Minor paint touch ups. Major painting in post completed. New cook preparation area and counter tops installed in kitchen. Kitchen floors will be done by February 2018
- Parking lot: Commander Travis had discussion with contractors on incomplete project. Had to do a new contract for them to return in Spring to level off parking lot and finish project. He had to make payment still. Grant administrator involved.
- Garage need additional work.
General Orders review:
- Dpt of Iowa Christmas Party on December 16, 2017 at Holiday Inn Airport. Registration closed for sign up
- VFW State Mid-Winter Conference in January 2018 at Holiday Inn Airport
- Vet’s Day on the Hill, January 17, 2018, (0900-1200). Wear you VFW Caps
- District Meeting will be held at Post 738 December 9th, 2017
New Business:
VFW Post 738 Christmas Party will be held December 16, 2017 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Need to sign up and provide numbers and ages to Comrade Stuart. Cost, $5 per family. Deadline to sign up, December 9th, 2017. See Comrade Stuart or Cdr Travis
VFW Post 738 received 100% membership streamer. VFW State Commander Jake attached streamer to Guidon
Received about $4500 in donations during collection for poppies. Funds are used to assist veterans. We need more members to step up and assist with collection efforts
VFW State Convention is June 7-10, 2018 at Holiday Inn Airport. VFW Post 738 is the host post. We are responsible for entertainment, negotiating Hotel, and managing tables for registration, banquets, etc. Entertainment and Hotel negotiation is complete. Volunteers needed. (See Commander for sign up). After event and all bills are paid, the Post will receive a $1,000.
Room rates $99.00.
Comrade Stuart brought to attention about purchasing more poppies. Cdr Travis discussed needing 5,000. Comrade Leroy made motion to purchase poppies. Second by Chap Torgersen. Voted approved.
Commander Travis announced that of the grant money received, most of all the painting inside and outside has been done. Many thanks to Comrades Bob Blount, auxiliary President and his son in law for all the painting. Looks beautiful! The security system is still in the works. The kitchen floor has asbestos, which requires sealing, then the new floor will be placed on top of this.
For the Good of the Order
Chap Torgerson stated he had a great time attending the Iowa Wolves Basketball game on November 11, 2017. Additionally, the Iowa Wolves will give veterans or military service members 50% off tickets purchased to attend for games.
Post Auxiliary meets the second Saturday of the month 0900 at Post.
New Post 738 website: Businesses can post as sponsors and post their advertisement for $100 per year on website.
Chaplin Torgerson read the closing prayer.
Commander Travis closed the meeting at 10:59.
The next meeting of the post will be January 6th, 2018
Post VFW 738
Meeting Date: November 4, 2017
Time Started:10:17
The meeting was opened by: CDR Travis
Roll Call of Officers: All of the officers were present. Comrades Darnell Jones and Rod Kent were excused
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied
Opening prayer: Chaplin Torgerson.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Commander Travis.
Comrade Dan Gannon, chairman of the IA Commission of VA, discussed new book out ‘A Time To Honor about Vietnam Veterans stories and pictures. It is an Iowa edition. Free to veterans.
He also explained there are funds available through the Commission of Veterans Affairs, Iowa. But VFW and Legion groups have to apply. To obtain a copy of book, need to bring DD 214 to the Post 738 January 2018 meeting.
Funding is needed to print book. Comrade Stuart motioned to donate $500.00 from Post 738. Second by Comrade Don. Voted approved.
The Quartermaster’s report accepted as read by Comrade Stuart.
Cdr Travis announced that it takes $1200.00 just to keep the post open and to cover lights, insurance, water, and trash. We need to be careful how we spend our money in the General Fund.
Veteran or family in distress?
Comrade Stuart reported that Comrade Rod Kent’s wife is battling a very serious illness.
Poppies will be distributed November 10-11 2017 over Veteran’s Day weekend. (Special thanks to all those who were able to support)
Chaplin Torgerson read the prayer for the National Home.
Need Voice of Democracy and a Patriot Pen contestant to enter into essay contest to represent Post 738. Voice of Democracy can win $30,000 if they win Nationals. POC Commander Travis, he has applications. Applications received and under review.
$1,000 needed to upgrade garage. Motion made by Jr. Vice Cdr Dan Edwards, second by Comrade Gene. Approved: Yes
New Business:
VFW Post 738 Thanksgiving Dinner will be held November 18th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Any member who wishes to take a basket of food for a needy family must notify Travis and show up at post on November 18th to pick up and deliver basket to family or make arrangements.
Comrade Stuart made motion to end participating in the Gun Show for at least a year because it is too difficult obtaining volunteers. Second by Comrade Dan. Voted Approved.
Our beloved Comrade Arney C. donated $250.00 to order the small 2018 calendars for Post 738 members.
Commander Travis announced that of the grant money received, most of all the painting inside and outside has been done. Many thanks to Comrades Bob Blount, auxiliary President and his son in law for all the painting. Looks beautiful! The security system is still in the works. The kitchen floor has asbestos, which requires sealing, then the new floor will be placed on top of this.
The Post 738 Christmas Party will be held at the post December 16th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Members wishing to bring Grandchildren for the gifts and candy are required to donate $5.00 for this. Please provide numbers you plan to bring to
On Veteran’s Day, November 11th, 2017, a celebration and speakers will be at the IA Events Center starting at 11:00 am in Room 101-103.
For the Good of the Order
Comrade Howard Freeman made a zipper that pulls out the colors of each War’s Flag. He will distribute these to any member who want one.
Cdr Travis announced that a $500.00 Scholarship is being worked on for the National meeting of VFW and Auxiliary.
New Post 738 website: Businesses can post as sponsors and post their advertisement for $100 per year on website.
Special thanks to Comrade Dennis Holland for taking the minutes for this November 2017 Post 738 meeting.
Chaplin Torgerson read the closing prayer.
Commander Travis closed the meeting at 11:00.
The next meeting of the
post will be December 2nd, 2017
Post VFW 738
Date: 10/7/2017
Time: 10:25
The meeting was opened by Junior Vice Cdr Dan Edwards
Roll Call of Officers: All of the officers were present? Comrades Travis, Jake, Torgenson, and Stuart were excused.
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied. The members present were 18.
Opening Prayer: Comrade Gene. The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Jr. Vice Cdr Dan Edwards.
Application for membership: None
Minutes from September 2017 meeting were posted on VFW Post 738 website. No questions. Comrade Kevin had issues accessing site. Will contact Cdr Travis for assistance.
The Quartermaster's report was given by Comrade Mike Borah.
Comrade Steve Smith gave the Community Service Report: Hours: 376; Dollars: $577; Members involved: 137. There were 5 Honor Guard Funerals.
Veteran or family member in distress? Keep Comrade Rod and family in prayer.
Old Business: None discussed
New Business:
Comrade Mike Borah discussed need to purchase hats and mittens for special kids we normally assist. Requested motion for $100 to purchase mittens and hats for kids (25 children). Comrade Smitty motioned for $100 to be donated, second by Comrade Gene. Voted approved.
Comrade Mike Borah mentioned about veteran's reading at Willard Elementary School on Veteran's Day, 11/10/2017. Members can volunteer to participate. Contact Mike Borah and email adjutant.
For The Good of The Order: No comment
Comrade Gene read the closing Prayer.
Junior Vice Cdr Edwards closed meeting at 10:47
The next post meeting will be: 11/4/2017
One of our fellow veterans who sit on the Veteran Advisory Group with me at the Des Moines VAMC, also volunteers at the Des Moines Play House. She was able to arrange to allow any veteran along with their families to come to the Des Moines Playhouse for FREE during the last Dress Rehearsal, which is usually a day or two before the actual show.
Below are the upcoming shows and make sure to contact Ann (not the Playhouse) with any questions (Ann Skallerup can be reached at 515-205-9757):
Choices: 10/11/2017
Misery: 1/24/2018
Ragtime: 4/4/2018
Disney’s "The Little Mermaid”: 11/28/2018
Meeting Date: September 2, 2017
Time Started: 10:26
The meeting was opened by: CDR Travis
Roll Call of Officers:All of the officers were present? Comrade Juarez (Quartermaster/Service Officer) excused
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied. The members present were 26 and one guest. (Guest: Past IA VFW State Cdr and Honorary Post 738 Member: Danny White)
Opening prayer: Chaplin Torgerson.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Commander Travis.
Application for membership: Total 46 applications for the month of August 2017:
Comrades: Dennis Anderson, Jeffery Anderson, Taylor Anderson, Richard Baker, Joseph Benshoof, Gerald Bitting, Ken Coppick, Michael Crank, Tounie Criha, Gary Davis, James Fiscus, Danny Follett, Justin, Foote, Howard Freeman, Norman Fry, Thomas Gullean, Patricia Hawes, Monica Hepker, Craig Higgs, James Hutchins, Walter Jones II, Tina Kalar, Joshua Kappelman, Carol Laird, Joel Laird, Nickolas Lyon, Michael Manahl, Rex Moore, Gary Morris, Steven Neufeld, James Norman, William Oleachea, Chris Peterson, Jeffrey Pierce, Phillip Rea, Greg Reynolds, Janet Riley, Yasmira Robinett, Sam Rosewall, Ronald Ryan, Thomas Sherwood, Robert Tickes, Ethan Townsend, Lindsay Townsend, Clarence Woolley.
Motion made by Comrade Landis to accept new members, second by Comrade Leroy.
Voted Approved: Yes
Minutes not available for August 2017 Post meeting
The Quartermaster’s report accepted as read by CDR Travis.
Comrade Smith gave the Community Action Report: Hours: 354; Dollars: $569.00. 147 Participants.
There was one Honor Guard Funeral
Veteran or family in distress?
Comrade Peter Little. He is home and walking. Comrade Rod reported he is doing well. Comrade John Seals has a family member who was affected by severe weather in Texas. More details are pending.
Chaplin Torgerson read the prayer for the National Home.
IA State Fair parking grossed $17,000; waiting on credit card bill to come for expenses
Grant money from Polk County ($97,000+) for work to be done on post. Thanks to Comrades Archie Brooks, Jake, and Stuart, were instrumental to receiving grant. Starting to pave parking lot on 9/11/2017. It will run from beside our building, to the garage and out to the sidewalk.
Family Fun Day- 9/4/2017 (11:00-14:00)
Need Voice of Democracy and a Patriot Pen contestant to enter into essay contest to represent Post 738. Voice of Democracy can win $30,000 if they win Nationals. POC Commander Travis, he has applications.
Homeless Veteran Stand Down (09/15-09/17/2017). State Commander Jake POC
$1,000 needed to upgrade garage. Motion made by Jr. Vice Cdr Dan Edwards, second by Comrade Gene. Approved: Yes
Personalized license plate decals. Plates that had Purple Heart, Legion of Merit, any that had special emblem are going away. Now they will make plate with a square for a decal to be placed for that particular organization. Decals are $20. The plate is $25 for the personalized plate. If you already have a personalized plate, then the plate is only $5.00.
Comrade Jim Fisher (Motor Sgt) mentioned that on behalf American Legion Post 274 volunteered to pay for expenses for Honor Guard vehicle maintenance. He also encouraged members to come out and support parking efforts during State Fair.
Comrade Smith mentioned trailer used during State Parade is unlicensed and need to be resolved. It is used to haul the Model T.
New Business:
Post is switching from Century Link to Mediacom for internet services. Then will coordinate for security surveillance equipment installed for Post (by Electronic Engineering Co).
Post 738 won National Community Service Award again! Well on the way to winning it again this year! Post Commander presented it to Comrade Smith’s care…..great job Smitty!
New Post 738 website: Businesses can post their advertisement for $200 per year on website.
Honorary member, Past Cdr Dan White discussed needing assistance with Fall Pow Wow in Osceola (10/7/2017-10/08/2017). Need help with presenting Colors at Principal Park Ball Field. Help is needed to present Colors on 10/7/2017. Comrade Smith have details.
Post Commander proposed the post send Comrade Dave Myers to Quarter Master training in Osceola at Fall Pow Wow and pays for hotel and mileage to get an understanding. Comrade Dan Edwards made motion to send him. CH Torgenson second the motion. Voted Approved
CORRECTION: Auxiliary meets the second Saturday of the month at 09:30 am.
Gun Class- 9/15/2017
Commander’s Special Project: Trying to get $16,500 statewide to make a Patriot’s Pin Scholarship of $500 that will last forever for the state of Iowa. For Junior High Student. Commander’s Special Project Lapel Pin, $100 Gold Pin, $50 Silver Pin. Will be available after Pow Wow.
Chair entertain motion to give $500 to Commander’s Special Project to assist with scholarship program for Patriot’s Pin. Comrade Mike made motion to give $500, second by Comrade Pete. Voted Approved.
Chaplin Torgerson read the closing prayer.
Commander Travis closed the meeting at 11:15.
The next meeting of the post will be October 7th, 2017
Meeting Date: 02/04/2017
Time Started: 10:07
The meeting was opened by Commander Stuart Juarez
Roll Call of Officers: All of the officers were present? All Present
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied. The members present were26.
Opening prayer: Chaplin Torgerson The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America was led by Commander Juarez.
Applications for membership: 8
(Comrades: Norman Dare, Matthew Carpenter, Dathan Decker, Ryant Watson, Landis Peter, Eric Ehrenfried, Andy Harmann, Ronald Mazak)
Motion to accept applications by Comrade Holden. 2nd by Jr. Vice Commander Edwards. Approved.
A copy of the Adjutant’s report was put on power point screen by Commander Juarez.
The motion to approve the minutes was made by Comrade Holden
Second by: Comrade Rick Remus; Approved
The Quartermaster’s report was given by Comrade Mike Borah
Comrade Steve Smith gave the Community Service Report: Hours: 620; Dollars $1541.00. Members involved: 296. There were 9 Honor Guard funerals.
If you display the United States’ Flag you may turn in the time putting up and down to Smith for the CSR.
Comrade Smith will collect dates flag flown at next meeting in March 2017. There are six dates in February 2017
Veteran or family in distress? Comrade Jim Fisher recently had surgery and current at home recovering.
Chaplin Torgerson read the prayer for the National Home.
Review General Orders
None at this time
VFW Commanders National Knock on Door Campaign (2/17-2/19)
Comrade Travis proposed to increase spending limit to helping a comrade in need from $25 to up to $100. Second by Comrade Rod Kent. Approved. (Must be approved by 3 officers)
Comrade Travis made motion to pay off land loan (back two lots at post) of approx. $2500 and then take that $200 monthly payment that was being paid and have automatically go into savings each month. Second by Comrade Rod Kent. Approved.
Men’s VFW Rider’s Patch available if you have motorcycle endorsement on driver’s license (see Comrade Jake or Comrade Travis). Cost is $40.
Installment Life Memberships installment plans. You can pay with installments to pay for VFW Life Memberships
Comrade Luke Kirsen, state service officer, is coaching Grandview Little League Baseball Team. Asked if Post would sponsor team again this year (cost $200). Comrade Travis made motion to sponsor team. Second by Jr. Vice Commander Edwards. Approved. (Gear needed. Team need catcher’s mitts if anyone would like to donate. Most of the kids throw with left hand) Ages (13-16)
Central Iowa Health Care System is hosting its first annual Housekeeping Aid Career Fair Tuesday February 21, 2017 in auditorium, Bldg. 4, 2nd Floor, Room 2130 (0800-1600) at Des Moines VA Hospital. (See flyer)
First call for Nominations for VFW Post 738:
Post Cdr- Nominated Comrade Travis Holden (accepted)
Sr. Vice Cdr- Nominated Comrade Dave Myer (accepted)
Quartermaster- Nominated Comrade Stuart Juarez (accepted)
Jr. Vice Cdr- Nominated Comrade Dan Edwards (accepted)
Chaplain- Nominated Comrade George Torgenson (accepted)
1 Year Trustee- Comrade Steven Smith
2 Year Trustee- Comrade Roderick Kent
3 Year Trustee- Comrade Arnold Crevling
Appointment positions: Adjutant, Judge Advocate, Surgeon, and Service Officer will be selected by incoming commander. There are additional positions available. Submit your names to Commander Juarez if interested.
Comrade Dave Berry volunteered to take over the Garage Sale event for May 2017 (3rdSaturday). Same weekend for poppies. Comrade Travis will manage the scholarship.
Gun Show (March 10-12 2017)
96Th Annual State Convention (6/1/17 – 6/4/17) (Waterloo, IA). Comrade Jake will become IA State Commander
Auxiliary meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
For The Good of the Order:
Kudos to Commander Juarez for the wonderful pasta meals he cooked for the recent Cooties Pasta Dinner!
Funds raised from these events goes to the VA to help patients. Everyone is highly encouraged to support and participate when scheduled.
Auxiliary meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
Starting March 2017, Dean St/Ave will be closing soon due to construction. Cdr Stuart and Comrade Jake negotiated for a road to be built (4 inches of gravel and black top) behind the post to use to re-route traffic. The road will remain in place after construction is complete.
Chaplin Torgerson read the closing prayer.
Commander Juarez closed the meeting at 11:10.
The next meeting of the post will be March 4, 2017.
Meeting Date: January 7th, 2017
Time Started: 10:20 by Commander Juarez
Roll Call of Officers:All of the officers were present and/or accounted for. CHAP Torgerson, Comrades David Vanden Baard (1st Year Trustee) and Roderick Kent (3rd Year Trustee) were excused.
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied. The members present were 22.
Opening prayer: CHAP/Comrade Larry Giles.
Application for membership: 1 application received. Membership already accepted. No need for vote.
New Member: Comrade Pete Landis.
A copy of the last minutes for December 3, 2016 were put on power point screen by Commander Juarez.
The motion to accept the minutes was made by Jr. Vice Commander Dan Edwards, second by Comrade Barry Archer. Approved: Yes.
Quartermaster’s Report: Given by Comrade Mike Borah.
Community Action Report (Service Officer Report): Hours: 614. Out of pocket expense: $1,521.00. Three Hundred Thirty-One members participated. There were four Honor Guard Funerals.
*Reminder to report any provided volunteer community service provided to Comrade Smith.
Member or family member in distress? Comrade Pete Little. Shattered left femur.
Commander reviewed/displayed General Orders from Department Commander
Commander Juarez reviewed VFW General Orders. Key points:
- Comrade Barry is top non-recruiter in state for signing up new members. One application away from receiving special jacket.
- Veteran’s Day on The Hill (1/19/2017, 0900-1200) Wear VFW Cap
- Annual Mid-Winter Conferences coming up Merle Hay Holiday Inn (January 21-22nd, 2017)
Remembering the National Home. CHAP/Comrade Larry Giles prayed National Home.
The awnings that were missing were returned. Thank you!
Review of mentoring program and calling members to renew and encouraging members to attend meetings. Please continue to make contact and continue to encourage to come out.
- Vet2Work Day (1/18/17) 0800-1515 at Athene Annuity, 7700 Mills Civic Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA 50266. For both vets and spouses. Registration was 1/13/17. Call Edgar Ortiz 515.725.3622 or Andy Smith 515.342.2958 with questions (may not be too late if you haven’t registered)
- From Commander Juarez, thanks to everyone for coming out and assisting with cleaning and painting kitchen.
- Commander Juarez getting together a committee to paint Post 738 (Comrade Barry)
Gun Show at State Fair Grounds (1/27/17-1/29/17). Volunteers:
- 1/27 (Friday/1700-2100): Rick Remus, Dick Maynard, Cdr Juarez
- 1/28 (Saturday/0900-1300): Barry Archer (TWO MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
- 1/28 (Saturday/1300-1700): Larry Giles (TWO MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
- 1/29 (Sunday/0900-1500): Kevin Wolfe, Arnold Creveling, Steven Smith)
*Volunteers receive free admission
Comrade Mike Borah acquired and passed out pork coupon packets good for Hy-Vee and Fareway for veteran discounts. Please complete and submit comment cards.
Dean will be closing soon due to construction. Cdr Stuart and Comrade Jake negotiated for a road to be built (4 inches of gravel and black top) behind the post to use to re-route traffic. The road will remain in place after construction is complete.
Veteran’s Day on The Hill (1/19/2017, 0900-1200) Wear VFW Cap
Conceal and carry class (1/20/2017, start 1800) held at Post 738
Annual Mid-Winter Conferences coming up Merle Hay Holiday Inn (January 21-22nd, 2017)
Cooties Pasta Dinner to raise money for hospital funds (1/28, 1100-1300) held at Post 738
96Th Annual State Convention (6/1/17 – 6/4/17) (Waterloo, IA). Comrade Jake will become IA State Commander
Auxiliary meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
Chaplin/Comrade Larry Giles read the closing prayer.
Commander Juarez closed the meeting at 10:49
The next Post meeting
will be February 4th, 2017
Meeting Date: December 3rd, 2016
Time Started: 10:30 by Commander Juarez
Roll Call of Officers: All of the officers were present. Comrade Mike Borah was excused. Comrade Roderick Kent (Third Year Trustee) was excused for November 5th, 2016 meeting.
*Correction to November 5th, 2016 minutes:
- Corrected name of Jr. Vice Commander Daniel Edwards. Initially listed as Daniel Hansen
Motioned to correct by Comrade Travis Holden, 2nd by Comrade George Torgerson.
Approved: Yes.
Officer of the Day: The members present were satisfied. The members present were 30.
Opening prayer: Chaplin Torgerson.
Application for membership: Total 9 applications received. Motion made by Comrade Travis to accept new members, second by Comrade Barry. Approved.
New Members: Comrades: William Klees, Robert Bryant, Steven Cunningham, Scott Cruga, Tiffany Wheeldon, Jeffrey Scott, Taylor Gibson, Nathan Wheeldon, and Michael Schaver.
We welcome you to VFW Post 738. Thank you for deciding to join arms with us in serving veterans and our community!
A copy of the last minutes for November 2016 were put on power point screen by Commander Juarez.
The motion to approve the minutes was made by Comrade Travis, second by Chap Torgerson.
Approved: Yes.
Past Post 738 Commander Danny White pulled ticket for raffle for Life Time Membership. Comrade Jake name pulled. Comrade Jake donated ticket for another drawing. Present non-life members placed names in hat for another drawing. New name drawn was Comrade Pete Little.
The Quartermaster’s report was given by Comrade Travis.
Comrade Smith gave the Community Action Report: Hours: 849.5 Out of pocket expense: $2,222.00. Four Fifty-Four participants. There were five Honor Guard Funerals.
Comrade Smith reported that Comrade George Cyr was cremated but a funeral will be held in the Spring of 2017.
Old Business:
Review of mentoring program and calling members to renew and encouraging members to attend meetings.
Reminder, if you display flag half-staff for Pearl Harbor, report it to Comrade Smith.
Member or family member in distress? None
Commander reviewed/displayed General Orders from Department Commander
Gun Show
VFW Post Christmas Party/Dinner December 07, 2017 (1100-1400)
Honor Guard funds that was used to pay for van. They manage and maintain van. Jr. Vice Commander Edwards motioned to allow Honor Guard continue business as usual, 2nd by Comrade Travis. Approved: Yes
Comrade Travis made motion to buy white kitchen paint ($75 or less), second by Jr. Vice Commander Edwards. Approved: Yes
Looking to get a High School art class to paint murals on our garage
Delegates for state convention coming up
Comrade Travis motioned to purchase two brand new large coffee pots. Second by Jr. Vice Commander Edwards. Approved: Yes
Comrade Dave Grant motion to purchase new awning tents (up to $300). Second by Comrade Travis. Approved: Yes
Chaplin Torgerson read the prayer for the National Home.
Dean will be closing soon due to construction. Cdr Stuart and Comrade Jake negotiated for a road to be built (4 inches of gravel and black top) behind the post to use to re-route traffic. The road will remain in place after construction is complete.
Post 738 Christmas Dinner
Annual Mid-Winter Conferences coming up Merle Hay Holiday Inn (January 2017)
Veteran’s Day on The Hill (1/19/2017, 0900-1200) Wear VFW Cap
96Th Annual State Convention (6/1/17 – 6/4/17) (Waterloo, IA). Comrade Jacob will become IA State Commander
Auxiliary meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.
Chaplin Torgerson read the closing prayer.
Commander Juarez closed the meeting at 11:22
The next meeting of the post will be January 7th, 2017